4 Tips To Start A Cattle Farm

Cattle are the primary source of livestock when it comes to meat and dairy. Starting a cattle farm can become a lucrative business; however, operating a successful cattle farm requires various responsibilities, especially for the cattle themselves. From the appropriate land to the cattle feed, these tips will provide you with the basic information necessary to get started cattle farming.

Choosing the Right Land

Not only is the land you choose essential for the cattle feed (grazing), but it must be suitable for the health of the cattle and their production abilities as well. Open ground grazing is thought to be the healthiest feeding option for cattle, so the land must be able to provide sufficient forage supply. It is important to understand how the seasons affect the forage production as well as the soil fertility, the water supply and the various plant varieties. The land you choose should have ample shade and provide a healthy environment for the cattle.

Purchase the Right Type of Cattle

There is a vast array of cattle breeds, so not only is it important to choose a breed with high productivity abilities, but it's important to know the type of breed you want to raise. For instance, there are certain breeds in which only dairy products are harvested, so this is the type of cattle you would want for a dairy farm. However, if you want to raise cattle for the meat, you would choose a different stock. Whichever type of cattle farm you want to operate, it is essential to choose healthy, disease free cattle.

Feeding and Watering Cattle

Not only is it more cost-effective to grass feed cattle, but it is actually more nutritious for the cattle and grass fed cattle produce higher quality meat. However, if the weather prohibits cattle from grazing in the field or they must be temporarily removed from grazing for other reasons, another option for cattle feed is hay and/or alfalfa. However, it is recommended that this not be the primary source of feed. Along with nutritious feed, like Ruma-Lic Liquid Feed, cattle must have availability to a proper water system that is clean and free of any risk of contamination.

Safe Housing for Cattle

Although your cattle may spend the bulk of their day grazing in the field, it is essential that they have appropriate shelter. A livestock barn is necessary for them to sleep in at night as well as provide protection from predators. The shelter must be clean and free from contamination. Not only is enclosed shelter necessary, but it is also important to provide suitable fencing for the grazing areas. The fencing should be about 5 feet in height and be built with durable materials; keep in mind that woven or barbed wires are suitable fencing for areas where cattle roam.

When starting out with cattle farming, it is essential that you gather as much information as possible about raising cattle. Visit cattle auctions, go to state fairs or simply visit neighbors who raise cattle to ask questions and learn general information about running a cattle farm. Before purchasing your first calf, it is important that you are prepared by having the right equipment and essential living supplies to keep your cattle healthy.
